September 18, 2022

All about Agile

In this episode we discuss Agile from Business , Project and Developement/Operation Perspectives.



0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming.

0:01:28 - Omaima's Introduction to Geeksblaba Team

0:02:52 - Guests Introduction

0:08:29 - What's Agile ?

0:24:44 - Agile from the Business Perspective

0:41:47 - Agile from Project Management Perspective

0:58:28 - Agile from the Developer Perspective

1:10:25 - Agile Challenges

1:29:30 - Q/A

1:47:20 - Geeksblabla Picks

2:00:00 - Wrap up and Goodbye!


Prepared and Presented by