February 07, 2021

Python Deep Dive

In this episode of GeeksBlabla, we invited Taoufik Abbassid along with Mohamed Daoudi to talk about Python, how to get started with it and some of its perspectives.



0:00:00 - Introduction.

0:03:00 - What is Python and what made it so famous?

0:08:00 - Is Python 2 vs Python 3 still relevant ?

0:13:00 - Do you recommend beginners to start with Python?

0:17:00 - How to get started with Python ?

0:24:00 - Python in the job market. Job offers for Python in Morocco and outside.

0:25:00 - Is learning (panda,numpy,pyplot..pandas) enough to work as a backend developer?

0:26:00 - When to use and when not to use Python?

0:28:00 - Most known use cases of Python. In which use cases Python might be the best programming language to use ?

0:33:00 - Is Python Slow ? If yes can we make it faster ?

0:38:00 - Fundamental concepts you need to master before starting with Python.

0:43:00 - Frameworks & CMS used in Python for web dev. In which scenario use Django or Flask ?

0:46:00 - Why learn Python?

0:50:00 - Programming Workflow in Python (package management, venv, IDE..).

0:52:00 - Testing With Python.

0:56:00 - Deploy your Python project.

0:58:00 - Famous Projects built with Python.

1:01:00 - Resources and Tools.

1:05:00 - Do you think universities should switch from Java to Python?

1:17:00 - Wrap up and goodbye.


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