April 17, 2022

Clean Code

In this episode, we review one of the most famous books in IT; we discuss the "Clean code" book. We highlight the main ideas, our experience with the book, and discussions around the clean code tricks and resources to write clean code.



0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming

0:04:51 - The importance of reading

0:08:00 - Reading culture in Morocco

0:12:10 - How to find books in Morocco and the best tools to read books

0:17:30 - Books vs. other resources to learn IT(stateofdev.ma stats)

0:30:13 - Why clean code is so famous, and guests experience with this book

0:45:30 - What is a Clean code?

0:53:30 - Naming variables

1:06:40 - Comments

1:14:00 - Functions

1:23:30 - Clean code vs. deadlines

1:31:50 - Practicing Clean code

1:37:20 - Picks

1:44:33 - Conclusion


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