May 16, 2021

Software Security 2021

In this episode of GeeksBlabla, we discuss with our community members about software security, what is software security, tricks for effective and productive learning.



0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming

0:05:00 - What is software security

0:11:00 - A bit of history about cybersecurity

0:24:00 - Is there a secure system? why secure systems?

0:32:00 - Risk & Risk Assessment

0:48:00 - What is OWASP?

0:51:00 - OWASP top 10 - 2021

0:51:00 - OWASP top 10 - 2021: Injection

0:55:00 - OWASP top 10 - 2021: Broken authentication

1:01:00 - Sensitive data exposure - What is data leakage? What are the factors that can cause data leakage?

1:08:00 - XML external entities (XXE)

1:15:00 - Security misconfigurations

1:49:00 - Cross site scripting (XSS) - discuss vs CSRF

1:56:00 - What is the 80/20 rule of networking?

2:00:00 - What are personal traits you should consider protecting data?

2:05:00 - Famous moroccan hackers and their achievements

2:09:00 - GRAALVM security

2:16:00 - Conclusion, Wrap up and goodbye


Prepared and Presented by