November 29, 2020

Ask Me Anything #5

Ask Me Anything episode #5 with our community members and guests Youssouf, Abderrahim, Ouissal and Mohamed. During this episode we answer audience questions about programming, community, new technologies and much more.



0:00:00 - Introduction.

0:04:00 - How have you heard about Facebook Developer Circles Community Challenge?

0:05:00 - What was the submitted tutorial/project about?

0:08:00 - How have you decided to start your Open Source journey?

0:12:00 - What were the challenges that you have faced while working on the Facebook Developer Circles Community Challenge?

0:15:00 - What were the tools that you have used to train your bot?

0:16:00 - How do you manage working while being a computer science student?

0:17:00 - What is like to be a student at Al Akhawayn University?

0:19:00 - What are the access options to Al Akhawayn University?

0:20:00 - What can you tell us about the events that take place in Al Akhawayn University?

0:22:00 - Can you choose courses in Al Akhawayn University or are they imposed on you?

0:25:00 - Does the Al Akhawayn University ecosystem help students with their projects and Startup ideas?

0:27:00 - The importance of self learning for students.

0:28:00 - How do you learn new technologies as students?

0:34:00 - What was studying during the pandemic like?

0:36:00 - How did you get started with programming/coding?

0:42:00 - Which is the preferable language to learn for the Moroccan Tech Industry?

0:48:00 - What are your thoughts on Apple's new M1 processor?

0:53:00 - SAD DNS attack.

0:56:00 - New Google Chrome Zero-Day vulnerability.

0:59:00 - Twitter's new Stories feature 'Fleets'.

1:01:00 - Google Photos will not be free by June 1, 2021!

1:06:00 - What is new in Angular 11?

1:09:00 - Vue.js 3 Composition API?

1:12:00 - Do you focus on the front-end? If so what is your stack?

1:14:00 - Tailwind CSS and the problem with CSS.

1:17:00 - Which code editor do you work with?

1:22:00 - The high quality of Vercel's Next.js conference.

1:24:00 - Spotify.js, weekend Open Source project by Abderrahim Soubai Elidrissi.

1:33:00 - What are your thoughts on Prisma next-generation ORM?

1:35:00 - The importance of using schematics in Angular?

1:36:00 - What should every Django back-end developer be familiar with?

1:39:00 - Advice for Machine Learning enthusiasts.

1:40:00 - What exactly is a software engineer?

1:46:00 - How much a beginner fullstack developer should charge per hour?

1:50:00 - How to stand out in the freelance market while other "freelancers" charge below average?

1:54:00 - Do you have plans to work abroad?

1:55:00 - Are there any work opportunities for .Net developer?

1:56:00 - How can I know that I am ready for job interviews?

2:00:00 - What is the best way to escape a job interview question?

2:08:00 - Why jumping to the source code of an Open Source project is benificial?

2:10:00 - What is the role of TypeScript?

2:18:00 - The secret sauce to master Javascript.

2:19:00 - What are your learning resources?

2:23:00 - What are your thoughts on Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Morocco?

2:24:00 - As a self-taught developer, how do I know that I'm in the right track with the right pace?

2:28:00 - The "self-taught title" from the perspective of a self-taught Fullstack developer and Cloud Architect.

2:30:00 - How do you manage freelancing while being an employee?

2:31:00 - As a junior developer, how do you deal with the fact that you have to work with technologies you prefer not to work with?

2:34:00 - How to find your productive way of learning (documentation, videos, podcasts, etc)?

2:41:00 - Wrap up and goodbye.


Prepared and Presented by