April 10, 2022

Switching Careers into IT

In this episode of GeeksBlabla, our community friends, Zakaria and Hamza, share their journey switching their careers to IT with us; we answer Why and How and some advice for people who want to switch their careers to IT.



0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming

0:04:29 - Our Guests' stories and how they end up switching to IT.

0:11:47 - The problem of school orientation and how to make a good choice?

0:22:10 - Why career switch to IT and career growth in IT compared to other fields?

0:28:10 - How to switch your career to IT and how to make sure it's the right decision?

0:37:40 - Do you consider your past career experience wasting time?

0:42:20 - How to start learning the IT field?

0:56:20 - QA

1:16:10 - Advice to find the first job for people who switch their career

1:24:10 - QA

1:37:24 - Benefits of switching career to IT

1:40:00 - Conclusion


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