September 26, 2021

Tech News & AMA #13

Tech News & AMA #13 with our community members Abderrahim, Youssouf and Meriem. We discuss the latest Tech News during this episode, and we answer audience questions about programming, community, new technologies, and much more.



0:00:00 - Intro and welcoming.

0:03:00 - What is Manara?

0:10:00 - Is it an online program? How can you manage it if the participant is a worker ?

0:13:00 - Do they prepare you for interviews, meetup with the talent hunters?

0:15:00 - How did you find out about Manara ?

0:20:00 - Is it a free program?

0:24:00 - How do you select BlablaConf talks ?

0:29:00 - Epic Games scores for developers in Apple court case

0:34:00 - How did you find the last Apple event ?

0:38:00 - StackOverFlow 2021 survey insights

0:57:00 - StateOfDev survey

1:15:00 - Geeksblabla giveaway

1:20:00 - Wrap up and goodbye


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