June 14, 2020

Angular Deep Dive

In this episode of GeeksBlabla we discuss Angular with some Amazing Community folks, How to get started ,Core concepts, Angular Ecosystem and a lot of topics around it.


Soubai Abderahim

Chihab Otmani

Abdullah Iraamane


0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming

0:06:00 - What is Angular? History and How it’s different than AngularJs

0:14:00 - Performance issues and how Angular Solves them?

0:26:00 - Pros and cons of Angular (compared to other frameworks or libraries like React)

0:38:00 - Finding jobs as an Angular developer?

0:50:00 - Fundamental skills that every Angular developer needs to master.

0:58:00 - How to get started?

1:13:00 - Angular and CSS.

1:17:00 - Reactive Programming and Rxjs.

1:34:00 - Angular SSG and SSR.

1:38:00 - How to organize your Angular projects?

1:49:00 - Testing Angular applications.

1:57:00 - QA.


ngMorocco meetup page

Angular in Darija

Angular University

Angular Blog


Angular Project Architecture


Reactive Programming


Angular Architecture

Debug and Profile Angular Apps

Angular in Depth

Prepared and Presented by :

Youssouf EL Azizi

Soubai Abderahim