April 20, 2020

React Deep Dive

In this episode of GeeksBlabla we discuss, React, How to get started ,Core concepts, React Ecosystem and a lot of topics around it.


Yassine ElOuafi

Youssouf EL Azizi

Amine Hakkou


0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming

0:05:00 - What is React? && React History.

0:09:00 - How is React different from other solution such as jquery/angular and Vuejs

0:19:00 - Imperative and Declarative in React?

0:22:00 - What do I need To know to start working with React?

0:31:00 - React Fundamental : JSX.

0:38:00 - Deference between JSX and template system.

0:41:00 - React Fundamental : Components, State, Props.

0:48:00 - React Patterns: HOC, render props, Compound components

0:52:00 - State Management Approaches.

1:03:00 - React and Typescript.

1:12:00 - Redux-saga vs Redux-thunk

1:14:00 - React Fiber, Virtual Dom, Reconciliation, concurrent mode.

1:34:00 - React Suspense && algebraic effects.

1:48:00 - Preact.

1:58:00 - WebAssembly and React.

2:04:00 - Styling in React.

2:08:00 - Server side Rendering with React.

2:12:00 - Meta-frameworks : Next.js / Gatsby.

2:25:00 - React Testing.

2:33:00 - Tools and Resources.


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