July 12, 2021

Marketing Yourself as a Developer

In this episode of GeeksBlaBla with our community members Ahmed, Ismail, Smakosh, Iliass, Abderahim, and Youssouf, We discuss the importance of self-branding for developers and how it can help developers in their careers.



0:00:00 - Intro and welcoming.

0:05:00 - What is self-branding?

0:09:00 - Is self-branding something only experts can do, or should beginners take it seriously too?

0:14:00 - Learning in public.

0:21:00 - Guests' experiences on self-branding and how they benefit from it in their career?

0:54:00 - Self-branding for beginners.

1:05:00 - Tools and tricks to market yourself: Blogging, open-source, social media, and learning in public.

1:16:00 - How to start blogging?

1:24:00 - The secret power of open-source contribution for your self-branding.

1:38:00- Wrap up and goodbye


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