September 29, 2019

Back to school, Computer Science Edition!

In this episode of GeeksBlabla, Geeksblabla team give some tips for succeeding in computer science studies.



00:00:00 - Introduction: Welcoming and presenting guests.

00:08:00 - First year of school experience and some tips.

00:28:00 - Tips to deal with upcoming years of school and The importance of self-learning.

00:36:00 - The importance of school degrees in the development field?

00:38:00 - Freelancing while studying.

00:40:00 - The importance of extracurricular activities in academic and professional careers.

00:50:00 - Are exams scores quite important for your professional careers?

00:58:00 - How to find a good end-of-school project (PFE) and prepare for the professional world ?

01:11:00 - End-of-school project (PFE) in a multinational company Vs Startup.

01:19:00 - How to prepare for a good project presentation ?

01:26:00 - How to choose a good internship topic ?

01:32:00 - Wrap up and goodbye!



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Prepared and Presented by :

Soufian El Foukahi