June 09, 2024

Kubernetes عشر سنوات مع

In this Episode , we celebrate 10 years of Kubernetes, its beginning and the transition frol open source to a full solution to manage containers. All with our speacial guests, who will share their expertise and achievements working with the solution.



0:00:00 - Introduction and welcoming

0:03:39 - What is Kubernetes ?

0:08:09 - How long have you been working with Kubernetes ? How was your personal experience?

0:23:56 - How do use Kubernetes at your daily job/projects?

0:38:03 - Do you use any plugins in your daily work with Kubernetes ?

0:44:31 - Tips for managing clusters

0:48:59 - Best practices of using & working with Kubernetes

1:01:26 - Usage of cluster API in the industry today

1:09:06 - Q&A

1:22:29 - Book recommandation to quick start with Kubernetes

1:28:18 - Kubernetes ingress / API

1:32:35 - Did kubernetes made it easy for the CN apps to use ?

1:39:04 - Does K8 has an added value for people who want to make their own solutions

1:50:02 - The future of Kubernetes

2:03:10 - Conclusion and Goodbye


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